Friday, February 26, 2010

The US Takes Over Haiti, Installs Puppet Regime, and Now Wants Their Oil Too.

The U.S. after staging a "coup" against Haiti's President (democratically elected 74%) Dr.Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Feb.2004 a claim the U.S. denied and then accused the former priest of being a drug dealer. They should know a drug deal, they've been doing it for years, remember the Oliver North drugs and guns scandal?? Also a coincidence that Afghanistan went from little heroin production under the Taliban to top producer under the U.S, watch full eye. I think not. Aristide's lawyer accused the US of giving guns and support to anti Aristide forces. Aristide later stated that France and the U.S. had a role in what he termed "a kidnapping" that took him from Haiti to South Africa. Aristide had told them that he had been forced to resign and had been abducted from the country by the United States and that he had been held hostage by armed military guards. Aristide again asserted that the U.S. had deposed him. Many area nations asked the U.N. to investigate but they didn't after pressure from France and the U.S.
Aristide published a book in 2000 about anti-globalization titled; The Eyes of the Heart: Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization. In it he sites the
I.M.F. and the World Bank as contributing to the economic downfall of the small nation and promising money they paid interest on but had never received.
Now as it turns out the U.S. wants to develop Haiti's newly found oil. The U.S. has
set up former presidents, B. Clinton and G.Bush to oversee the countries development,
calling them "special envoys". (Oh gee whizz, "drug man" from Arkansas(where the planes landed) and oil man from hell)

Just after the earthquake Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide made a statement regarding the victims of the earthquake.(Open in new tab.)CLICK HERE for Letter. Also one can watch the documentary by Noam Chomsky, "Aristide The Endless Revolution." for further background on Aristide and Haiti.


More at The Real News

Thanks for your interest in Haiti please help them if you can.
PHOTO ALBUM OF HAITI (look under Reportage 2004)PHOTO ALBUM 2004
Articles for research:Article LINK
Haiti the poorest nation,(in our hemisphere) but rich in human capital.Article LINK

Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Just spend 2-10 minutes to start, now to help draw attention to the issue(s)listed in one of these blogs, or another.

WHAT / HOW CAN YOU ? email,fax, call, forward, write, Tweet, Facebook, post, broadcast, blog,or put up a sign. How you feel about this problem, issue.

Who can you tell? Your: Email Contacts,Friends, family, MP, Senate member, co-workers, union, business, school, church, TV station, club, team, store,coffee shop,restaurant, and any other person you think might be effected or helped by action.

WHEN?: DO IT NOW, Please, for all our sake. Draw attention to a serious problem /social issue and you can take action and help Canada and yourself /family.

Monday, February 22, 2010

NEWS LINKS OF INTEREST...and other stuff....

"Hail Hitler" NOT. opps "!*&%#@! Harper" (lol.)

News and views from Canada, US, and beyond........

U.S. military spies on Planned Parenthood and on cellphone calls:Link"land of the free" lol)
Tru TV(Preview Shows) Link:TV LINK
DECLASSIFIED, Secrecy News story:LINK
Geek Security Toys:LINK
Stopping Stealthy Downloads Story:LINK
Economist Story -Bankruptcy-boys:LINK
Japan to Ignore ban on blue fin tuna says not endangered:STORY LINK
Colin Powell Stand on his pal :LINK
US & Russia wanted to Nuke the Moon.LINK
New evidence of sailing much earlier than previously thought 100 000 Years+:Story LINK
LHC(Large Hadron Collider)To be fired up again, soon:LINK
Shroud of Turin to attract 2 million+ visitors :Story LINK
Newly Unearthed Temple In Turkey To Rewrite History:STORY LINK
A Pope Wrote An Erotic Bestselling Book ?!?! STORY LINK
Pot Dealer Returns To Prison for Remainder of 10 year sentence..Story Link

Just a few random news links for fun & thought....

--Jokes For Today---
A blonde walked into a store to buy curtains.
She went up to the salesman and said, "I want those pink curtains to fit my computer screen.
The salesman said, "Computers don't need curtains!"
The blonde said, "Hello!, I have windows!"

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other," Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month??" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association,"It was great." "That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call the flower with the long stem and prickly thorns?"
"You mean a rose?"
"Yes, that's it!" He turned to his wife, "Rose, what's the name of that memory clinic again?"

Egypt's King Tut born of incestuous relationship.STORY LINK
"Obama on coke?" STORY LINK
THE AGENDA: Relevant doc's:DOCs> LINK
Stay Off the POTash:STORY LINK
Dubai Hit(Mossad suspects) on arms traders. STORY LINK
AVATAR DNA in people too....oh yaaa.UFO-STORY LINK
Quebec to have "monopoly" over other provinces power supply..
Monopoly's Hurt Consumers....STORY LINK
PM Harpers Religious Theo Con Links;Walrus Article Link


A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.
The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his bike.
The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question???"

The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the hog. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, then whispered to the mechanic...
"Try doing it with the engine running."


FMR. Canada Defence Minister PAUL HELLYER believes in UFO's & Moon Base.

FMR. Governor Jesse Ventura's New "Conspiracy Show" (on Tru TV)

OHHH YAAA. Thats fun stuff........

Canada Needs The Libertarian Party .....NOW.

I've been thinking of solutions rather than getting bogged down by the many problems that face us all. Here is the solution and the place to start....

Definition: Libertarian: –noun
a person who advocates liberty, esp. with regard to thought or conduct.
a person who maintains the doctrine of free will (distinguished from necessitarian).
advocating liberty or conforming to principles of liberty.
maintaining the doctrine of free will.

Here are my new - Libertarian Party Platforms -
I LOVE CANADA......but,
Canada has some serious flaws in its political system. Too many lobbyists, too many monopoly's, too many tax's, too many centralized and federal powers and laws, unfair election representation and laws, biased news media supporting poor candidate choices and representatives, and these are just a few that come to mind.

The Answer?? -The Libertarian Party- FOR CANADA
We also need some libertarian representatives in our current party system.(People resist the unknown, and change out of fear.)
Freedom is the answer, now whats the question?
Here are some libertarian points / thoughts and platforms we need to hear.....because the smallest rights are individual rights.
For a true north strong AND free.
Libertarian = Independence / "Rights to Individuals." / "Power to the People." /
Co-op = co-operation and not co-opted. / "NO person has more power than another." /
"Don't be ruled." / "Individual Sovereignty." / "Legally emancipated." /
"It's a love-a-lution and NOT a revolution"
"Libertarians are pro choice on everything." / "Consent is yours to give." /
"No harm to anyone" / "Consistence is good" /"Big is bad, small is secure" /
I'm not saying business is bad, I'm saying BIG business is bad....
"A heavy left wing OR right wing is divisive and bad = a big gap" / Barter is Good /
"Individual Liberty And Responsibility" / "Do Not Be Afraid" /"Grassroots Solutions,-
Not Corporate" / "Declare your Independence" /a limit for government and corporations
My goal is to present this message, to start the conversation, respect opinions and look for consistency. Freedom is the answer,what's the question?
These platforms are like good healthy organic food, easily digested, good for us all.
Today's message is of positive change, it's not based on fear, or corrupted and when
understood, it is empowering. It is for everyone. The message can be applied to all situations, and that is part of its beauty. It is NOT divisive because it is about individual rights and your can't really get smaller then individual rights can you.
When applied it's consistent, constant, self empowering, and yet social and co-operative. Unlike current policy and politic s which can be divided by race, religion, color, creed, wealth,affiliation. Local and libertarian is the answer for everything. It empowers you, it gives you / us hope, answers, a conversation,and social networks,I say again, because the smallest rights ARE individual rights.
Please Send Me Your questions,comments, email, help, share this blog and its contents with others. Thank You. Tim Together we can create change.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do You Feel You Have The Right To Privacy?

Well if you answered yes. You have been mislead. Currently in Canada in regards to all digital media ie;(computer,cell) your right does NOT exist.
"Big Brother IS Watching"
How So? you say...Eg: Every time that you have used the internet when you see http: in your browser that is a fully monitored transmission.
By Who? Microsoft, your I.S.P.(eg:Bell) and Googhell (yes googhell, my affectionate term for "them") and other companies, use this code type as a means to ID what you see (tied to your mac address, and name by your bill.) All googhell searches you have ever done have been stored in their massive data bases.Your I.S.P. tells them who you are.(name and other data)
Also if you have a Facebook, Twitter, account all that info is also attached, including the stuff you've erased,it is also filed together with your profile in your googhell / I.S.P. profile. This can also include every single website you or a family member has ever visited, even the ones you or other person,while you weren't around "stumbled on" by accident.
Who cares? or Why? This is the essence of privacy it self. Your profile (and ALL users have one) is NOT anonymous. Your profile can include more info about you and your habits or perceived inclinations then you even know about yourself. These profiles currently can be shared or sold by them (your I.S.P. and Googhell and "security") and now that internet bills in the U.S. and soon here and everywhere are / will be passed, they share them with your government/ company and its favorite security services and/ or companies.
"But I haven't done anything" Well you may/ could think that but every ones profile can/ will show other-wise. Also it could become someone else best interest to surreptitiously use your profile to discredit or prevent you from your perceived freedoms or job or travel or what ever.(eg: person running for post eg:MP, mayor, or job.)We too can become a "police state" like the U.S., China and others are more and more. Just a thought.
Electronic Surveillance Answers Late:BLOG LINK
Censorship and social media:STORY LINK


Thursday, February 11, 2010

P.M. Harper may "backdoor" BILLC-15 into Parliament?

Despite a petition signed by many supporters of Compassion Clubs and testimony from
representatives and experts to the Senate.(see video) The (P.C.)s and Harper may use
prorogation as a "backdoor" to reintroduce BILL C-15. to parliament again despite the lack of support for their unpopular bill. The BILL C-15 includes possibly introducing mandatory minimums,(despite proof they are costly and ineffective in the U.S. also creating "super-prison" systems.). The further increased criminalization of marijuana is NOT supported by the majority of Canadians.(Polls vary 60-85%) We must NOT support ineffective government / police policy.
Compassion Clubs are safe and effective at helping sick people receive their needed medicine and care. Medicine that "big pharma" can't deliver. Marijuana should also be listed in the Pharmaceutical Drugs Guide for inclusion, so the sick can receive medicine they may not be able to afford.(ie:read article in news)
More Links: Drug War Facts LINK
L.E.A.P.- Law Enforcement AGAINST Prohibition.L.E.A.P.Site LINK

A Petition Site;

Cannabis Facts: CDN. FACTS LINK
Walter Cronkite on disaster of Mandatory Minimums & The Drug WAR:
Eugene Oscapella Ottawa Lawyer of Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy

PLEASE HELP. Write a letter / email your MP. sign a petition forward this blog to all
your email contacts( Click small envelope at below) AND VOTE!! (clk. subscribe too)
Article:Article Link
2009 News storiesLink
BC C.Club Info:Link

Thanks Tim. PDF LINK:10 Cannabis Facts PDF

More news soon. Tim

ADDED Feb.24/10

COMMENTARY and related NEWS.

As expected, the rightist Harper regime this week announced plans to
appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, to undo a provincial court
ruling allowing Insite, the supervised injection site in Vancouver,
B.C. It wasn't that Justice Minister Rob Nicholson was ordered by
party apparatchiks to loudly oppose Insite as a sop and distraction
tossed to the conservative political base, oh no! Rather, it is that
the existence of Insite raises abstruse legal points, "regarding the
doctrine of inter-jurisdictional immunity and the division of powers
between the federal and provincial governments," - points which the
justice minister feels obligated to explore.
When confronted with the need for a needle exchange - inside prisons
- government faces a dilemma. Allow a needle exchange which would
save lives (not to mention future health care costs) but in so
doing, admit not even the prohibition of prison walls keeps out
drugs. Or, to not admit the regular breaches of prison security and
futility of prohibition, by not allowing needle exchanges in prison.
While supporting needle exchange in prison, a piece in the Canadian
Chronicle Herald newspaper this week nicely glosses over this larger
issue. "In an ideal world, it would be impossible to smuggle drugs
into a jail, and that would solve the problem. But the real world is
not water-tight, and where there is a will, there is a way." Which
sums up the failure of prohibition.
In a heroic action to save children from the clutches of drugs, the
RCMP raided a medicinal marijuana dispensary in icy Nunavut, Canada
Jan. 29, sparing countless young lives from the death and
degradation which accompanies drug use. The proprietor of Nunavut's
first medical cannabis dispensary, Ed deVries, 51, instead claimed
that more than 500 citizens of Iqaluit (about 7% of the town) were
registered with Health Canada as legally able to use cannabis for
medicine. Eric Idlaut, of the Qikiqtaaluk Compassionate Society:
"Elders who use marijuana as medicine would benefit from having a
place they can obtain it without having to pay street prices."
The Arizona Republic this week ran a lengthy article on the newest
slogan to be repeated about Mexico. Because of the "drug cartels"
you see, we must now repeat the following mantra: "Mexico is a
'Narco-State'". Grudgingly, the Republic mentions legalization - if
only to immediately dismiss such an idea (which it buries near the
end of this whopper of an article). The real take home and take
action message the Republic would have us believe? The "government
needs to focus on the prosecution of crimes" - Mexico isn't jailing
enough of its own people. Because, you know, throwing lots of people
in jail always solves drug problems. Will Mexico never learn this
fact from the more enlightened United States?

"The wave of the future is not the conquest of the world by a single
dogmatic creed but the liberation of the diverse energies of free
nations and free men." - John F. Kennedy

-----------Canada: JUSTICE Minister Has Switched Sides On Sentencing----------------

Newshawk: CMAP

Pubdate: Tue, 02 Feb 2010
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 The Vancouver Sun
Author: Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service
Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)


Rob Nicholson Was Vice-Chairman Of A 1988 Parliamentary Committee That Opposed Fixed Sentences
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, one of Canada's most vocal champions of fixed minimum prison sentences, once opposed the idea of removing discretion for judges to sentence as they see fit.
As a Tory backbencher in 1988, Nicholson was vice-chairman of a parliamentary committee that rejected the expansion of automatic incarceration, asserting that it doesn't work, overcrowds jails and takes too hefty of a social and financial toll.
The sweeping report on sentencing, based on a yearlong study of the criminal justice system, concluded that judges should follow guidelines, but that "each case should be decided on its own facts."
Two decades later, mandatory minimum jail terms are central to the Harper government's law-and-order agenda.
Nicholson, as justice minister for the last three years, has aggressively pushed for automatic incarceration for selling drugs, growing marijuana, white-collar crime and offences involving guns.
He has repeatedly accused his political opponents of being soft on crime for challenging his get-tough approach.
Most recently, he blasted the Senate when it amended a key bill designed to impose automatic prison terms for a variety of drug-related crimes, by redrafting a component that would jail pot growers who cultivate as few as five plants.
The bill died when Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspended Parliament in late December, but Nicholson said last week he will revive his proposed legislation.
Nicholson's press secretary, Pamela Stephens, said that times have changed since the 1988 report and the government's plans for mandatory minimums have "evolved" to reflect society's demand for tougher penalties for serious crimes.
"I can't get into a debate about minimum penalties, but as a government we believe that it is the role of the legislators to reflect the citizens who elected them, and it is the role of the legislator to give guidance on maximum penalties as well as minimum penalties," Stephens said.
Drug trafficking, for instance, is now fuelled by organized crime and therefore demands harsh penalties, she said.
Stephens pointed out that the previous Liberal government also created many mandatory minimum sentences and the Conservatives have been building on that list, which now stands at 43. New Democrat Libby Davies said Nicholson's apparent change shows that the Harper Conservatives are more ideologically driven on crime than were the former Tories.
"I think it does show very much a difference, between the old Conservatives and today's Conservatives, which are hell bent on this ideological agenda of being tough on crime," said Davies, who strongly opposes minimum prison terms for drug crimes.
"This is all that Stephen Harper's got and they have wrapped themselves in that and they have played on people's fear."
The vast majority of witnesses who appeared at Senate and House of Commons committee hearings on Nicholson's drug-sentencing bill lambasted mandatory minimums.
Several American states have retreated from mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes in recent years, amid mounting evidence they have a disproportionate effect on young people, visible minorities and the poor, yet haven't made a difference in curtailing the drug trade.
At the time of the 1988 report, minimum mandatory terms existed in the Criminal Code for murder, treason, drunk driving causing injury or death and the more minor offence of bookmaking. The justice committee 22 years ago opted against wider expansion, as recommended a year earlier by a sentencing commission. The committee recommended only violent sexual assault carry a term of at least 10 years. The former Liberal government dramatically increased the list, imposing fixed incarceration terms for a variety of gun-related crimes, as part of its 1995 gun-control package, and later, for nine child exploitation crimes.

--------------------Canada: Safe-Injection Site To Go To Top Court------------------

Newshawk: CMAP

Pubdate: Wed, 10 Feb 2010
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 Canwest Publishing Inc.
Bookmark: (Insite)
Bookmark: (Supervised Injection Sites)


The federal government plans to ask the Supreme Court of Canada to overturn a B.C. ruling that allowed a safe-injection site to remain open, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Tuesday.
"This case raises important questions regarding the doctrine of inter-jurisdictional immunity and the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments," he said.
"We recognize that injection drug users need assistance," he said. "This is why our National Anti-Drug strategy focuses on prevention and access to treatment for those with drug dependencies."
Nicholson said the B.C. Court of Appeal and the Government of Canada both believe it is important that the Supreme Court of Canada be asked to rule on this matter.

-----------------CN SN: Column: Fighting Crime On Emotion, Not Facts----------------

Newshawk: CMAP

Pubdate: Tue, 16 Feb 2010
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2010 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Susan Riley, the Ottawa Citizen
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)

When you look beyond the paternalism, cynicism, genuine concern -- whatever motives drive the Harper government's punitive approach to crime -- only one question matters. Is it effective?
Will closing Vancouver's safe injection site, Insite, reduce drug addiction and related crime? Will imposing six-month minimum jail sentences on anyone caught with as few as five marijuana plants inhibit pot-smoking among teenagers? Will expanding prisons reduce violence in our streets?
Most legal experts, criminologists, addiction researchers and street-level health workers, along with many police chiefs and past reports from parliamentary committees, say "no" -- as does the experience of other "tough-on-crime" jurisdictions.
It may be emotionally satisfying to punish evil, or express revulsion, with harsher sentences, but it is widely held -- by those who actually work in the field -- that prevention, better policing, services for the mentally ill and poverty alleviation are more useful if
the goal is to make communities safer. The Liberals even used to believe that, before they became bashful.
But this government mistrusts experts, rejects evidence that doesn't confirm its own beliefs and dismisses critics as weak and deluded. It seems to believe most criminals, like wilful teenagers, only need the threat of a few months in the slammer to see the light -- downplaying the fact that so many crimes are impulsive, and so many criminals mentally ill, addicted, or scarred by horrific abuse themselves. Not the types, in other words, to consider consequences before they act.
And curiously, despite its righteousness, the government isn't above resorting to mendacity itself. Both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, for instance, have excoriated the "Liberal-dominated" Senate for, in Harper's words, "eviscerating law and order measures urgently needed and strongly supported by Canadians."
In fact, as Senate Liberal leader James Cowan outlined convincingly this week, it was the unexpected prorogation of Parliament that "gutted" the Conservative anti-crime agenda.
Last session, the government introduced 19 crime bills and 11 were still before the Commons at prorogation. Of the eight that went to the Senate, four were passed. Two were still being debated when Harper pulled the plug, and another -- a Senate-initiated attempt to end the long-gun registry -- was withdrawn after a similar Commons bill passed.
Another bill, which would prevent convicts from subtracting two days from their
sentences for every one day already served, was passed by the Senate in October and only died because cabinet didn't enact it quickly enough.
Nor was a bill cracking down on auto theft stalled in the Senate for six months, as Nicholson claimed -- at least, not entirely by Liberal senators. The delay was partly the result of a scheduled summer break.
Only the marijuana bill -- it would impose a mandatory minimum six months in jail for anyone caught with five or more plants -- was significantly amended. After hearing from a parade of witnesses that mandatory minimums are ineffective in dealing with drug crimes ( a conclusion backed by a 2001 Justice Department report ), Liberal senators voted to leave it to judges to decide sentences for anyone caught with fewer than 200 plants.
An irritated Nicholson has vowed to reintroduce the bill in March, when Parliament resumes -- but here's another curiosity. The Hill Times reported recently that, in 1988, Nicholson, then a Progressive Conservative MP, was vice-chair of a Commons committee that recommended against mandatory minimums, except for repeat violent sex offenders. Asked about this apparent change of heart, the minister's spokesperson noted the drug world and values have changed. But the facts haven't.
As New Democrat Libby Davies noted: "What they are doing is not based on evidence, whatsoever. It's a political stance."
The same can be said of Harper's implacable resistance to Insite -- a modest clinic in Vancouver's downtown east side, where addicts can get clean needles and access to medical care. The clinic doesn't provide drugs, but, through a legal exemption, allows addicts to administer their own narcotics.
Intended to get addicts out of back alleys and reduce the transmission of disease through dirty needles, the pioneering clinic has considerable community support: Leading B.C. politicians, provincial courts, Vancouver police, doctors and, after initial resistance, local businesses. But the Harper government has announced it will challenge the special exemption at the Supreme Court, because it believes the clinic encourages drug use.
It doesn't bother providing facts, or even arguments; it appeals, as usual, to resentment, ignorance and frightening headlines that obscure the fact that crime rates have been declining. And, with the brave exception of Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe, most of Harper's political opponents, including those who know better, are afraid to object.
If Conservatives were as concerned with victims as they claim to be, the effectiveness of crime-fighting measures would be paramount -- not their political appeal. And they'd be counselling wisdom in this complex issue, not revenge.

CN BC: Column: War On Drugs An Abject Failure

Newshawk: Herb

Pubdate: Tue, 16 Feb 2010
Source: Maple Ridge Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc
Author: Keith Baldrey

Prime Minister Stephen Harper dropped by the provincial legislature last week for a feel-good speech about B.C. and the Winter Olympics, but he didn't stop to take any questions from anyone.
That's too bad, as his aversion to having anything to do with the media means he's able to duck some pressing issues.
I certainly had a question or two of my own. I wasn't planning to spend gobs of time talking about the irony ( or, some say, hypocrisy ) of him addressing a provincial legislature after he untimely prorogued his own federal house.
And I wasn't particularly interested in grilling him over his government's economic plan, its problems in Afghanistan or even potential election timing.
But I did have a question or two about one of his government's dumbest moves in recent days that have a direct bearing on this province.
That would be the Conservative government's decision to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada a B.C. Court of Appeal ruling that Vancouver's Downtown Eastside safe injection site ( Insite ) is a legal operation and should be allowed to remain open.
Harper has already lost two key court challenges on this. In trying yet again to get the courts to follow his ideologically based prejudice, critics say he has abandoned common sense, strong legal analysis and sound public policy.
There is no question Insite is a controversial facility. The idea that governments and the health-care system implicitly inject themselves into an illegal activity - consumption of banned drugs - strikes many as wrong.
But those who oppose the existence of Insite - where addicts are given a secure place to take drugs, such as heroin, with sterile needles - conveniently ignore a larger truth that underscores the need for places such as Insite. That would be the fact that our whole approach to illegal drugs - the so-called "war on drugs" - has been a complete, abject failure.
To stick to the conventional method of dealing with drug addiction ( i.e. prosecute addicts and do everything possible to deny them access to drugs ) is a head-in-the-sand approach that is not only wrong but also dangerous.
Addicts are sick people. Simply telling them to stop taking drugs is a useless approach. Some will engage in criminal activity, such as robbery, to find ways to pay for their drugs.
As well, drug addiction is an illness and a medical condition. If not treated as such - at the very least, ensuring addicts access to safe conditions when it comes to consuming the drugs their bodies now need - - invites compounding the threat of an already potentially dangerous situation.
Serious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C can result from dirty needle use, and that threatens non-addicts ( to say nothing of the fact that it adds even more costs to our already too-expensive health-care system ).
Renowned medical experts such as Dr. Gabor Mate ( a staff physician at Insite ), the province's chief medical health officer Dr. Perry Kendall and many others all agree that, from a medical and health standpoint, Insite makes complete sense.
Even the B.C. Liberal government, a supposedly right-wing regime, supports Insite's continued existence. These positions are all rooted in evidence-based analysis. For example, the number of drug overdose deaths has declined remarkably, and so has drug-related crime in Insite's neighbourhood.
Yet the Harper government continues to cling to the out-dated and unworkable notion that simply cracking down on addicts and "forcing" them to drop their habits is best approach.
This is an example of the occasional ideological extremism that critics of his government fear will come with increased regularity should it ever hold a majority position in government.
Holding power in a minority parliament provides significant checks on Harper's power to go too far in any particular position. He must pick his way carefully.
Will we see other ideology-based changes to health policy should the Tories ever win a majority? Why cling to the failed policies of the past? Why not shed your ideological blinkers and embrace a proven success story such as Insite?
All good questions, and all ones I would love to have posed to him when he was in Victoria. But he simply wasn't interested in talking to anyone.

CN NU: RCMP Raids 'Medicinal Marijuana' Club

Newshawk: Herb
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Mon, 08 Feb 2010
Source: Nunavut News North (CN NU)
Page: 3
Copyright: 2010 Northern News Services Limited
Author: Kassina Ryder
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada)

--------------RCMP RAIDS 'MEDICINAL MARIJUANA' CLUB----------------

Charges Laid Against Two Men Involved With Qikiqtaaluk Compassionate Society
IQALUIT - The RCMP raided Nunavut's first compassion club selling marijuana for medicinal use Jan. 29, and charged two men with drug trafficking.
Police seized two pounds of marijuana, $7,200 in cash, a GMC Yukon and trafficking materials during a search of two Iqaluit residences, according to an RCMP press release.
Ed deVries, 51, was charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and possession of proceeds of crime. Sakku Kripinak, 30, was charged with one count of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
Both are members and organizers of the Qikiqtaaluk Compassionate Society, which received societal status under the Nunavut Societies Act on Dec. 14.
DeVries was released with conditions and is next scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 15. Kripinak was also released and is scheduled to appear in court on May 7.
"I know that Mr. deVries was subject of the search and seizure and subsequent charges," RCMP Supt. Steve McVarnock said. "But again, whether or not it was in relation to his club or whether it was personal, that's all got to come out in the court process."
When pressed about the relationship between the bust and the compassion club, McVarnock said: "My understanding is that it is associated. The compassion club is associated to the investigation."
In an interview prior to his arrest, deVries said more than 500 people in Iqaluit, a city of nearly 7,000 people, were registered with the society, including elders, and the list was growing.
"We're not in hiding. We're in an appropriate downtown location that is respectful to the neighbourhood," he said. "We run controlled hours, very strict hours, and we're acting in respect to the neighbourhood."
The club, which deVries said sold marijuana for medical use, is modelled after southern compassion clubs.
Clients must sign up before purchasing marijuana from the club and there is a 10 gram limit per day.
DeVries said he hoped making the club an official society under the Nunavut Societies Act would help change public perception about marijuana.
"I think the validation by our government will allow a lot of people who have been holding back to give them a little more confidence to come forward," he said. "It's given the people of Iqaluit that have come to the compassion club a different perspective on herbal cures."
In December, deVries said the society had made contact with an RCMP liaison to discuss the society's activities, but had yet to receive a response.
McVarnock said the RCMP's role is to enforce the law.
"Basically the RCMP, we have no position on a compassion club. We look at drugs and drug trafficking in the context of the legislation we have to work with," he said.
The society was hoping to get an exemption under section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which allows possession of a controlled substance if "the exemption is necessary for a medical or scientific purpose or is otherwise in the public interest," according to the act.
"We'll be presenting a petition plea to our ministers at all levels and our health representatives to grant the society that exemption," deVries said in December.
But even with an exemption, compassion clubs are illegal in Canada, according to Health Canada.
"The only organization that can legally supply marijuana seeds and dried marijuana is the Government of Canada, who currently obtains its supply from Prairie Plant Systems. This supply can only be accessed by individuals who have applied for authorization to possess marijuana for medical purposes and have received this authorization from Health Canada," according to a statement e-mailed to Nunavut News/North from Health Canada media relations officer Philippe Laroche.
The Marijuana Medical Access Regulations only apply to individuals for personal use.
"Once approved under the MMAR, individuals have three options for obtaining a supply: they can apply under the MMAR to access Health Canada's supply of dried marijuana; they can apply for a personal use production licence, or they can designate someone to cultivate on their behalf with a designated-person production licence," stated the e-mail from Laroche.
"I guess it's time to change the law, that's my stance on it," deVries said.
In an interview with Nunavut News/North before the bust, Qikiqtaaluk Compassionate Society media representative Eric Idlaut said the idea of a compassion club was becoming popular in Nunavut's other communities.
"We're receiving a lot of inquiries from smaller communities on how to become members with our society," Idlaut said. "The first inquiry is how to become members of our society and how they can come up with a compassionate society in their own communities."
Elders who use marijuana as medicine would benefit from having a place they can obtain it without having to pay street prices, Idlaut said.
"Looking at prices being paid for medicine in smaller communities, it's crazy especially when elders are paying almost $100 ( a gram )," he said. "When you reduce it to $7 ( a gram ) that's a huge difference."
DeVries said the club will focus on assisting Iqalummiut with applying to Health Canada under the medical access regulations for marijuana for personal use.
He added that people in Iqaluit will still purchase marijuana, whether it is purchased from a compassion club or off the street.
"You don't take away people's medicine just because the doctor died," he said.

(60-85% of Canada supports decriminalization of marijuana, because its humane.)

LINK TO Democracy Now Story On INSIGHT ,Vancouver BC.w/ Dr Gabor Mate.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


PM Harper hates freedom of speech enough that he supports web censorship. The new
Bills C-46,C-47 (LINK) include many limitations to freedom and free speech.The government wants to collect all our sites visited, searches and all other web data in the name of security. Personally I think he wants to hold on to government so badly he wants
dictatorial powers to crush dissent,and personal opinions from being expressed freely also "crush" alternative news sources.(already has the Bell-Rogers-CTV-CityTV and 200+ newspapers (all ONE company) in his "pocket".) Internet Service Providers (I.S.Ps) in Canada, U.S., Australia, Italy, Israel, and other countries, are incrementally censoring our World Wide Web (www.) To control /
limit what you read, hear, and have access to. Claiming that a "free net" is not safe.
Governments worldwide will be, are censoring ISP s to remove / limit websites.
Licences and thumb scan ID confirmation are part of this censorship plan to control/ limit net access and availability.The "trickle down" will effect everyone using the www. web. We will all be controlled in an attempt to stop the free flow and access to
information. Even if laws are not approved of locally they are/ will be passed in some of the other locals, stopping YOUR freedom. China's net censorship is part of their model/ plan. We will ALL be effected.

We must lobby our government body and I.S.P. providers to get this fact out now.
This is the only way to mitigate this drastic plan being implemented now. Many administration staffers have endorsed this plan. The "New World Order" (N.W.O.) type plan is happening worldwide. The broad banner titles that all censorship will be lumped under are:Political, Hate speech, Conspiracy, Pornography, and even commenting on blogs or websites and others.Even if you do not fall into one of these groups,and just enjoy privacy this draconian plan WILL effect everyone incrementally.

Just spend 2-10 minutes now to help stop this.

WHAT / HOW CAN YOU ? email,fax, call, forward, write, Tweet, Facebook,post,broadcast,
Put up a sign. How you feel about this problem.

Who can you tell? Your: Email Contacts,Friends,family, MP,Senate member, co-workers, union, business,school, church, TV station, club, team, store,coffee shop,restaurant, and any other person you think might be effected.

WHEN: DO IT NOW, Please, for all our sake.Draw their attention to this serious problem /social issue.

THANK YOU for your support, Together we can effect positive changes. Tim

LINKS regarding this post:Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Story Link
Youtube movie Link:Link Related Story:Story LINK
Microsoft thumb security etc..STORY LINK
Social Media Censorship;LINK
STOP HARPER and THINK LIBERTARIAN!!! ( personal rights)

More on this soon .. Thanks Tim also see The CPC's & Harper's Dirty little playbook. LINK

Read AND Share these posts to help stop this!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Products /Companies To BAN ..from your table...

THESE COMPANIES USE / SUPPORT / MAKE Genetically Modified and Genetically Engineered PRODUCTS & Don't Identify Them. Which they should.
(ie: BAN and/or DO NOT EAT )
To Protect: yourself, family, friends, Pets, from the possible hazards..

Monsanto Foods Canada Inc.(NYSE: MON)(seeds & other products) > West Bread(wheat) > Agracetus ( Roundup. Fertilizers) > Seminis, Inc.(Seeds)> De Ruiter Seeds
NutraSweet & Aspartame >
Rogers Sugar > Lantic Sugar (in B.C.)they use G.E.sugar beets > U.S.made Cadbury s Chocolates>
Agriculture Canada Tree s( Poplar and ? G.E. in QC.w/Monsanto)>
Nestle > Purina (pet foods)(w G.E.corn & wheat)
Kraft(various products >
MORE G.M. /G.E. COMPANIES TO BE ADDED...Come Back soon.....

DOWNLOAD The Non-GMO Shopping Guide pdf.GUIDE pdf

Petiton Site Link
It could be difficult to ID some products but eating healthy organic foods is a good
way to start. You are what you eat. Stores and companies should ID these G.E products.
Home-Institute for Responsible TechnologySITE LINK
Your Eating What Lecture Mp3 LINK More Later Tim

Monday, February 8, 2010

PM Harper s Ties To The Neo Cons and The Religious Right.

PM Harper has "hired" Rogers Media group (100's of outlets)which in turn is part of the Bell media empire (100's of companies) to do his bidding and spin his neo con agenda.Rogers Media Inc is a subsidiary of Rogers Communications Inc., which owns Canada's largest publishing company, Rogers Publishing Limited, which has more than 70 consumer and business publications. Rogers Media Inc. also owns 54 radio stations, and several television properties including terrestrial television stations and cable television channels.The group has 54 radio stations across Canada, (45 FM and 9 AM radio stations, thus making Rogers Media the third-largest radio broadcaster behind Astral Media and Newcap) AND both the Citytv and OMNI Television networks consisting of 10 T.V. stations.(Where is the independent view??)
Rogers Publishing Limited publishes more than 70 consumer magazines and trade and professional publications, digital properties and directories in Canada, including Maclean's, Canada's weekly news magazine; its French-language equivalent, L'actualité; Chatelaine; Flare; and a variety of other magazines and their companion web sites. (THEY WANT A MONOPOLY of your mind and thought and view point.....)
It's akin to Fox News crappy biased reporting in the Bush /Cheney/ Rove/ Rupert Murdoch days.They want to control,and spin every story, "fair and balanced" my ass. Almost everything you hear on the radio, read in the newspaper and watch on TV is bull from these guys.We should cancel our Rogers cable,paper and ROGERS phone plan today and get some real news with views instead. Also try using a local credit union instead of a bank, it'll hurt these "fat cats" in their wallets. The only place they care about.Peter Mackay just married CTVs top programing excecutive too * I noticed a change in "quality" many months back.He was seen years ago "palling around" with non other than Condellezza Rice(US Secretary of State).

Canada MUST SHOP CANADIAN.but... We need to stop monopolies from owning everything.
(Monopolies care only about profit and growth NOT people.)
Small actions do make a difference. Let your MP know we need a cap on
campaign contributions and a cap on lobbyist groups,election reform, and stop/slow monopolies. Make sure you get out and vote in all the up coming elections too. Lets finally vote these PC jackass's out.(Before they ruin Canada) Harper wants to "take over" the senate and supreme court next with more "theo con conservatives"

READ HIS GLOBAL AGENDA; Article text LINK (Rt.Clk.New tab.)


Watch Youtube LINK 1

Youtube LINK 2

Article Link On PM. Harpers "Religious and Theo Con Zionist New Friends":Walrus Article on Harpers Theo-Con views, Link

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Monsanto Foods have G.E. pesticides In Corn and could be Poisoning What You Eat

Monsanto Foods Canada Inc. and their many subsidiaries are being served on your table, and you may not even know it. They have bought hundreds of seed companies up to control the very food you eat. GMO are in the foods and have been patented. Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering, using a process of either Cisgenesis or Trans genesis.GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil. But animal products have also been developed. In 2006 a pig was controversially engineered to produce omega-3 fatty acids through the expression of a roundworm gene produced. Researchers have also developed a genetically-modified breed of pigs that are able to absorb plant phosphorus.
Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In 2005, it finalized purchase of Seminis Inc, making it the world's largest conventional seed company. Ummm yummy stuff ehh.

Nutri Sweet and aspartame are examples of Monsanto owned G.E. sweeteners. I think everyone should avoid these products as well. Pop is sweetened with fructose made from G.E. corn syrups. I think our government should pass legislation to, at the very least identify these G.E. products ingredients. Don't You?? The corn that's
newly available from Monsanto has six pesticides in the corn as it grows and then we may eat this stuff. Not to mention animal feeds, dog, cat, pig, and cow feed most likely contain these pesticides that we then are exposed to or possibly even consume.Rogers Sugar/Lantic Sugar(in B.C) has/use G.E. (genetically engineered) sugar beets in the sugar now,BAN IT from your table too.(use organic cane sugar, maple syrup,organic sugar instead.)
With NO clear labeling it's very difficult to prevent. Eat organic locally grown healthy foods,when ever possible. Support local business and keep jobs local. Don't eat food grown in third world countries,the U.S., they don't have control of what pesticides are used, or may not even know they are growing G.M. seeds. Drink organic milk too.Cows can have Monsanto made R.G.B.H. and I.G.F.1 which are proven to cause cancer /puss in milk.

Here are a few sites you can copy/ paste into your browser to do further research:

organic consumers LINK


Crop Watch LINK4
Monsanto sponsers Curling =BAD ad LINK

Please sign a petition banning G.M./ G.E. foods and contact your local store and tell them to ID & ban these terrible,dangerous products.Write Agriculture Canada, Also contact your local MP. and send them this blog for so that they can know / help too.

Petition Link:

Petition Site LINK

Monsanto and G.E. Story Link:CLICK STORY LINK
Please Inform Everyone!!!
Listen to these GMO related Lectures,Seeds Of DeceptionMp3 And mp3 LINK
Thank You- Together We CAN make a difference. Tim

Goldman Sachs "The Farthest Reaching Criminal Organization In The World?"

    Goldman Sachs is quite possibly the farthest reaching "criminal financial organization" in the world. They have their mitts in stocks, banking, retirement planning, finance, and government. In the U.S. and in Canada and also in 30+ other countries,like Greece,Ireland,Italy,Spain,Portugal.(most driven to /near bankruptcy)(see links) In the U.S. they have: H.Paulson, Kashkeri, and Timothy Geithner,("the chief") just to name a few. (Wiki all of them)
     In Canada we have as head of  The Bank of Canada, Mark Carney, also ex Goldman Sachs.It gets ugly in fact in the U.S. T.Geithner was a protege of Robert Rubin, who was Clinton's Sec.of Treasury who deregulated the US. banking system. Rubin too came from Goldman Sachs. T.Geithner's chief of staff was a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs. AIG CEO Liddy, who was appointed by Paulson, came from G.S.the list goes on and on.
It is worth recalling late economist John Kenneth Galbraith blamed Goldman Sachs for helping cause the Great Depression in his book, The Great Crash,1929. He included a chapter detailing "the large scale corporate thimble rigging" that Goldman Sachs and Wall Street firms practiced in the 1920's.(Also recently in Greece, Portugal, Spain,and others.)
           Do people even understand the term conflict of interest anymore??

              The corruption is so blatant it makes my head spin.

  Tax payers are on the hook in the US. and Canada for BILLIONS and ex Goldman Sachs, boys get 16 billion in bonus's and increase them more in 2009 by 30+% (reported the CBC.)
    PM Harper has welcomed these "hoods" into Canada too.(see link to government website, angainst official web policy.) Harper has a degree in economics people,(never really worked in the field) and he considers himself savvy, What a B.S. artist he truly is. (he reminds me of PC, Brian "lying" Mulroney)  Also just after PM Harper s election he signs without consulting  Canada's voters to The North American Union Agreement. along with his pal George Bush, and Mexico s President Felipe Calderón, down in Mexico.Does no one care about this?? Or do you want to be the "53rd state" like the PM. seems to.

      This is a carefully planned "coup" of our financial and law agreements people. Wake UP!!!!
    I warned people before Harpers election and I get this.....AHHH!!!
PM HARPER:Failure to do anything could constitute complicity to organized crime and possibly even treason. (they charged H.W. Bush s dad Prescott Bush, under the "trading with the enemy act" for financing the Nazi party in W.W.II)(Look it up)
   We need a complete independent audit of the books, all regulation changes in banking, an audit of all bank  executive's bonus's, campaign contributions (all big donors should be ID ed) and possibly a few fired from government and some corporate firings too  (preferably from a canon.)          All Canadians should be concerned. Sign a petition, write a letter,
      Call- write a letter or email an MP. today.            Here are some links:
More info on Goldman Sachs: Link (RT. Clk-New Tab)


Hedge Funds are Bankrupting Greece and other countries but Harper welcomes this.

To sign a petition on a important issue: including this one;  (copy / paste. in your browser) Petition

Also search for Senate members, MPs and your local newspaper  and send them all an email now, link this blog post and bookmark it now to read more about other important issues, daily. Thanks.... only together can we make some change. Tim.
Comments are Welcome.....

Friday, February 5, 2010


Depleted Uranium's Use Is A Crime Against Humanity

It's use is poisoning our troops,our soil,the air we breathe and increasing cancer rates 10% increases chance of over all disease 30%(Int.Study).Depleted Uranium poisons the air, soil, people for 44 Billion years. ( is nuclear waste we're talking about here.(It's the way the US "dumps" this waste.) Its used by /effects U.S. Canada, Israel,directly and others too.It's been used in Canada, U.S. Idaho, Hawaii, Arizona, Georgia, Porto Rico,but mostly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Egypt.and more.(lots of evidence)Over 2000 tonnes of D.U. weapons were used in Iraq alone.(The US. used as many bombs in Iraq as all of WWII.) It was illegal to use DU. in the US. before 1991 but OK after.Dr Doug Rocky who wrote the US manual on DU. is now an activist against its use.D.U. was also used in Afghanistan affecting Canada's soldiers too no doubt.
Our governments stand by doing nothing, not even treating our troops health effects in some cases, The use of D.U.during the Iraq war was documented in air samples all the in the U.K. Iraq is suing the U.S. government and so have many returning soldiers.
DENY- DENY-DENY -This is the government policy yet the evidence is readily available. Go see for yourself.

Write a letter,post an editorial, email a member of parliament/senate.
We must do SOMETHING!!! Only action will support our troops.
links for your research:Info Article
World Health Organization.
Story Link:Link Link
Please sign a petition,share this blog, and write a letter today.

Sorry for the graphic images, but you must see this insanity. Thanks Tim

Do you think Canada should ID GM foods / ingrediants.